WARNING: Certain Disposable Masks Contain Harmful Substances!!!

 Recently, numerous surveys have been made to discover if the masks we wear to protect ourselves from the virus are 100% safe.

The results have shown that they aren’t!

We are all tired of these lies that the officials spread! Some of the people, because they are scared, wear two masks at the same time…

Precisely those people don’t how much damage they are causing to their health!
The reason why the masks are dangerous is that in their content, we can find graphene particles. Once the particles enter our bodies, they are damaging our organs.

Numerous conscious experts warn people to be aware of what kind of masks they are using because some contain this harmful substance!

Once again, we follow the experts’ advice, and once again, they are wrong! Do we have to follow our gut in order to survive?

See below.


Also, Global News wrote something about this dangerous substance on our disposable masks.

”Health Canada issued an advisory and asked distributors to recall face masks that contain graphene or biographene, citing potential inhalation risks.

In an advisory released Friday, the agency said there is a “potential that wearers could inhale graphene particles from some masks, which may pose health risks.”

Health Canada said graphene is a novel nanomaterial — a material made of tiny particles — that is reported to have antiviral and antibacterial properties.

“Health Canada conducted a preliminary scientific assessment after being made aware that masks containing graphene have been sold with COVID-19 claims and used by adults and children in schools and daycares,” the advisory reads.”


Metro UK also covered the story.

”Some face masks in use by the public contain dangerous levels of toxic chemicals, according to a new analysis by scientists.

The masks were found to contain levels of formaldehyde and fluorocarbons that, when in close proximity to the mouth for extended periods of time, could cause dangerous levels of exposure. These chemicals can both cause surface issues like watery eyes, burning nose and throat, as well as coughing, wheezing and nausea.

While the scientists emphasised that this didn’t include all masks, some face masks available for sale did appear to contain alarming amounts of the restricted substances.”


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