Epic! Trust the Plan: It's Greater Than We Could Ever Know! Plus a Must See Prophetic Warning to Joe Biden & the 'Two Presidents' Prophecy!



In this GLORIOUSLY SATISFYING Episode, ‘Pastor James’ Red Pills America presents a Prophetic Message of Warning to Joe Biden – and a GLORIOUS Message to the MILLIONS of True Patriots and Christians who dare Take a Stand for America, Support President Trump in these highly questionable times (filled with disinformation and distractions) and for those who seek the Face of God and ask for Guidance. These are strange times and indeed these are strange prophecies, Patriots – but somehow they make CRYSTAL CLEAR SENSE! There be NO QUESTION IN YOUR MIND, after watching this EPIC video, just WHO is in charge. And trust me, it’s NOT who many of you may think!

I lay THIS, NOW, in your capable hands, Patriots. May God bless you all!

These truly are AMAZING and GLORIOUS times we live in and I am so proud to be an American during this amazing time! JUST WAIT until you watch the entire, AWE-INSPIRING video, Patriots, you are going to be happier than you have been in a while! What is all the hype about?! WATCH and you will find out! WWG1WGA! In order for us to walk through the take-down that’s about to happen people need to be exposed to the evil and agenda planned against us.

In order for us to go through the biblical changes about to happen, we need to see the EVIL. The kind of evil many of us let take a run at our freedom for decades while THE MASSES got distracted with social media, sports, TV, movies and working. Many fell asleep at the wheel and let corruption run-a-muck for decade after decade after decade. It’s time for EVERYONE to wake up so we can cross the finish line. The best is yet to come! Let’s travel down this VIRAL MIND-BLOWING Rabbit Hole, shall we now, Patriots?!

In this MASTERFULLY DELICIOUS Episode, Lin Wood UNLOADS the MOABS on Pence and the Deep State in this SCATHING interview hosted by Clay Clark of the Thrive Time Show!  SO much is covered in this amazing video, including the FAKENESS of the COVID and the MORTAL DANGERS that await those who take the COVID Vaccine.  Joining Clay Clark is Lin Wood, Dr. Jim Mihan and Dr. Rob Marsh!  BUCKLE UP, PATRIOTS!

This LATEST EPIC INTERVIEW (another Panel Discussion) will BLOW YOUR MIND!  STRAIGHT FROM THE PAGES OF GEORGE ORWELL’S 1984 herein is described a Dystopian Future that we all seem to be living in at this moment in time.  But Mike LindellMary FanningDr. Shiva and Jovan Pulitzer – interviewed by Brannon Howse of WorldView Weekend – easily bring us back to the reality that WILL SOON COME TO PASS as all four of these awesome Patriots DROP A COLLECTIVE NUCLEAR BOMB on the behind-the-scenes workings and the Nefarious Deeds of the Demonic Deep State!   Covering a WHIRLWIND of FANTASTIC information in this awesome video and SO MUCH MORE, you do NOT want to mioss this EPICALLY SUMPTUOUS segment!

Did you know that there is a BLISTERING DOCUMENTARY coming out soon, that is in Post Production AS WE SPEAK, that very well MAY be used as the Framework for the Dismantling of the Dirty Demonic Democrats and their RINO cohorts?  Well, this Fearless Foursome will lay it out in detail and let you know WHEN & WHERE YOU CAN WATCH IT!

On top of that, they’ll take us down yet another Rabbit Hole that will have your HEAD SPINNING as the details become revealed!What an EPIC gathering of some of the most well-informed Patriots we ALL know! This is a DO NOT MISS episode, Patriots!

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