BOMBSHELL REPORT! HUGE BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Antrim County Voting Machines Were Accessed From The Outside And Remotely Logged Into After The Election


Michigan Attorney Matthew DePerno just released new information from his investigation into the Antrim County 2020 election.

Back in May, DePerno revealed that the Antrim County tabulator machines can be reopened after the election. Then it is possible to run more ballots through the tabulator, print off a new tabulator tape with new ballots, and then easily backdate that tape to November 3rd.

Today, Matthew DePerno announced another piece of information he says should disqualify the 2020 Antrim County election.

DePerno now says the Dominion Voting Machines were accessed from the outside and remotely logged into after the election.

DePerno says that this should immediately decertify the county’s election results.

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson should resign or be removed from office after being confident that remote access was not possible with the Michigan machines.

According to Attorney Matthew DePerno:

1. We have been lied to.

The Antrim County election management system (EMS) was REMOTELY and successfully logged into anonymously on 11/05/2020 at 5:55 PM and again on 11/17/2020 at 5:16 PM.

Yes, that is correct… REMOTELY

2. Those dates are significant because they correspond directly to the dates the county and SOS were trying to correct the intentional computer problems that subverted the election.

These logons appear to have escalated privileges at the time of logon.

Again . . . REMOTELY

3. But we were told there was no internet connection.

In an accredited system, an anonymous user should not be authorized by the accreditation authority, but would instead be required to enter a specific user name and password to utilize the system.

4. We were told there was no internet connection. We were told there was no remote access. We were told this was human error. All lies.

This is fraud. This decertifies the Antrim County election.

SOS Benson should resign or be impeached.

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