6 Of 7 GOP Senators Who Voted To Convict Trump Now Face Punishment In Home States


Sources say that the vast majority of GOP Senators who voted for conviction are now facing rebuke and punishment at home.

What did they think would happen?

Did they think people were going to cheer and hand them medals for their service? I understand that some people want to stand up for their principles, and that is fine, but really? D.C. Politicians?

These are the last people to stand up for any sort of honor or principles, so they can kindly give it a rest.

6 out of 7 GOP Senators who voted to impeach The 45th President of The United States are now facing some sort of punishment or backlash in their home states.

Mitt Romney, Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Pat Toomey, Lisa Murkowski, and Ben Sasse are the 6 who face censure, or some sort of rebuke in their home states according to sources.

Take a look:  

CBS reported: 

The GOP senators who joined with Democrats in finding former President Donald Trump guilty of the charge of incitement of insurrection are now facing backlash back home for their votes, as Republicans in their states consider formal condemnations of the senators.

Already, two of the seven Republicans who broke with the former president — Senators Richard Burr of North Carolina and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana — have been formally rebuked by their respective state GOPs. The North Carolina Republican Party voted unanimously Monday to censure Burr for his vote to convict Mr. Trump, while the Louisiana GOP approved a censure of Cassidy in a vote Saturday, acting swiftly after the Senate trial ended.  

Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska has also found himself a target of the state GOP for denouncing Mr. Trump after the January 6 assault on the Capitol.

Just The News had more details: 

First among the anti-Trump 7 to be repudiated back home was Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy. He voted unanimously to censure Cassidy on the same day the Senate voted on the single article of impeachment the Democrat-controlled House passed shortly after the Jan. 6 breach of Capitol Building. York County, Pa., Republicans voted over the weekend to censure Sen. Pat Toomey.  

On Sunday, the Lincoln County Republican Party unanimously adopted a resolution to censure Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse, who makes no secret of his disdain for Trump and his America First movement.

Utah Sen. Mitt Romney – the only GOP senator to break ranks and vote to convict Trump in his 2020 impeachment trial – is facing backlash in his home state, where grassroots conservatives have launched an online petition to censure the 2012 GOP presidential nominee for failing to "represent the average conservative Utah Republican voter."



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